withdrawal fees





Lowest Fee


Maximum Fee


ExchangeNetworkWithdrawal FeeMin Withdrawal


0.28 CAKE


0.56 CAKE


0.023 CAKE


0.023 CAKE


4.464 CAKE


8.928 CAKE


0.09 CAKE


1.79794 CAKE


0.17286085 CAKE


0.1 CAKE


0.332 CAKE


0.365 CAKE


0.26538461538461533 CAKE


4.31611205 CAKE


0.12127656 CAKE


0.12 CAKE


0.277 CAKE


0.294 CAKE

PancakeSwap Deposit and Withdrawal Fees

We looked for 9 exchanges and compared the deposit and withdrawal fees for PancakeSwap (CAKE) based on their prices.

- Binance exchange provides the lowest withdrawal fee for CAKE crypto. PancakeSwap withdrawal fee is $0.72 (0.28 CAKE).

- Bybit is in the second position to provide the lowest cost to withdraw CAKE funds i.e $0.059 (0.023 CAKE).